Here Is How Landscaping Near Me Can Add Pops of Color to Your Cornwall, NY Business Entrance

Here Is How Landscaping Near Me Can Add Pops of Color to Your Cornwall, NY Business Entrance

The appearance of your Cornwall, NY business entrance can be a crucial part of your business image. When the entrance is colorful, well-planted, and engaging, visitors will have a sense of what is important to you and your business culture. When searching for landscaping near me, look for a company that can deliver a superior result.

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While flowers might seem to be an obvious choice, you will want to ensure color that continues throughout as much of the year as possible. When your landscape professional designs with the two types of flowers in mind, your business entrance can be inviting and fresh.

  • Perennial flowers return year after year to bring floral glory to your entrance. Most perennials, once they are established, need very little care to look bold and beautiful each time they bloom. Because they stay where they are planted, your landscaper can plan for them to be part of the color design each spring and summer. 

  • Annual flowers must be planted in the season of blooming. They only live for one season and then must be removed to make way for another annual flower. In the spring, many landscapers choose dianthus, snapdragons, and violas for their hardy nature when the weather is just warming up. The summer is perfect for petunias, geraniums, zinnias, and marigolds. Fall colors can tend to be warm orange tones with yellow and green like ornamental cabbage, pansies, and chrysanthemums. 

Paver Surfaces 

Another way landscape professionals can add more color to the entrance can be with colored pavers. They can refresh the walkway surfaces with pavers in tones of clay red, earthy browns, or neutral grays. 

The colors of the pavers likely won’t be the only thing about them that is noticed since laying patterns can also add visual interest and beauty to your business entrance. Landscapers can add vertical or horizontal lines in the walkway, box out certain areas to designate a new use, and create a pattern of movement with the walkway paver choices and styles. 

Trees and Shrubs 

While trees and shrubs are green, they present different hues of green that can contrast with each other to increase interest. When your landscaper mixes a row dark evergreen cypress trees for a living border, the ornamental trees that add vertical height and brown bark to the landscape beds can form a contrast. 

Another ingenious use of trees can be when they design and plant a row of the same trees almost as if they are soldiers standing tall and straight. 

Many shrubs also bear flowers in the spring or summer to add more color, and then they can form red or burgundy berries in the fall and winter for yet another look. 

Pay Attention to the Signage

You might not realize it but many landscape professionals also pay close attention to the signage for your business. Their crew will alert you when lights are out as they keep all the shrubs and grass manicured to perfection. 

They can also ensure that the shrubs don’t obscure your sign so visitors have a hard time locating your business. Because they work as a team with you, their goal will be to make your business entrance as eye-catching as possible. 

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