Why Is Lawn Irrigation So Important for the Spring in Goshen, NY?
Irrigation and lawn maintenance in Goshen, Chester and Middletown, NY
Irrigation can be a complicated matter for your Goshen, NY, lawn—some plants and grass are sitting in direct sun and are thirsty while others are enjoying full shade and don’t need as much water. Here are the reasons why lawn irrigation by a professional is so important to the health of your lawn.
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Irrigation Benefits to a Lawn
The benefits to your lawn from regular irrigation can be numerous. A first advantage can be that having a timely irrigation system can save water because you are not watering areas like the driveway and sidewalk that can happen when you set out a big sprinkler that just waters whatever is in its path. A professional irrigation system is targeted.
A second advantage can be that it saves you time since you don’t have to set a timer to go outside and move the sprinkler every so often. You can actually go about your life and not have to stress that your lawn is not being watered. A third benefit can be that you save money on your water bill because your sprinkler does not have to run for hours and hours to get the entire yard watered. Instead, each zone is watered efficiently and completely.
Amazingly, you can actually overwater your lawn which can lead to detrimental effects such as root rot, moss, and powdery mildew fungus.
Why Professional Lawn Irrigation is Different
Your landscape professional has tools that you don’t have, tools that can be difference-makers when planning and installing an irrigation system.
Waterwise: Your landscaper ensures that every part of the lawn is watered for the ideal amount of time, at the right time of day, and at the right pressure to bring you a thriving stand of grass. This can save your water bill as no part of the lawn is over or under watered.
Optimized: Your landscaper knows that the best time of day to water a lawn is in the pre-dawn hours before the sun comes up. This gives the grass and roots time to absorb the water before the hot sun beats down and evaporates the moisture. Optimizing the time of watering means that you wake up and your lawn has already been watered while you sleep.
Automated: Your landscaper knows that automation is the key to successful watering since no one wants to have to remember how much to water, haul the sprinkler around, or get up before the sun to water. When your landscaper installs a fully automated irrigation system, not only will it take care of keeping your lawn hydrated but it removes all of the stress of keeping your grass lush and green.
If you notice that your grass blades seem wilted and the soil is parched, this usually means that your lawn is underwatered. Another indication that your yard is too dry can be slow grass growth and short blades and when your landscaper installs sod, adequate water can be critical.
Without proper lawn irrigation, your grass will struggle to stay healthy during the hot summer months when rain can be scarce and you are busy with vacation, your kids’ sports, and family activities. This is when exceptional landscape service and irrigation expertise can keep your lawn in top shape.
Related: How to Choose a Landscaper For Your Lawn Maintenance in Goshen, NY